Top Glass headstones Secrets

Glasstone is a concept for memorials that are sculptural contemporary hand-crafted glass headstones and chairs. Glasstone was founded back in 2010, by artist Mag. art. Ernest Vitin and are proud to be the very first in the world to create headstones in glass!

Glasstone's vision would be to bring lightness to the tradition of commemorating the loved ones of one. They fulfil this vision by producing memorials handmade glass headstones and benches. The hand-treated glass conveys an gentle lustre when we need it 20, reminding us hope and love. Glasstone believes that the transparency and lift and visual lightness of glass might assist our soul in challenging times.

Ready-made"Vintage" set of glass headstones include a selection of designs in layered or cast glass techniques. The traditional designs of glass headstones are made-to-order in a short period, starting up to five weeks, based on the structured specifications and season.

Durability is Glasstone's most. They have developed a method of treatment through which they achieve high durability of glass headstones. Glasstone memorials can withstand Mediterranean summers, in addition to cold Wave winters. At precisely the exact same time, Glasstone Headstones brings out the most beautiful features of glass, emphasizing it's effulgence, purity and permanency.

Glasstone memorials are very modest when it comes to upkeep. Characteristics such as non-porousness and density, together with our way of therapy, prevent dirt from settling and moss development. will create a gorgeous memorial to honor your beloved one with. They offer global shipment and transparency .

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